Stranger Things
The question that people want to but don’t ask, have you had any signs from your loved one after their passing? I have previously experienced a couple of very strange phenomena after losing both parents and a baby within one year at around thirty years of age, maybe a subject for another time, so Julie and I were very open to the possibility of being able to reconnect, given some time to practice on both sides and that is what this blog is really all about.
We discussed the subject during the last days and given that Julie’s passion was her garden and the birds that visit us, we decided that I should look to these areas for signs if she was able and just remain open to anything.
Within the first couple of days, someone who we had only met twice at most and is not a professional medium sent a message to us with clear instructions for my son, to go upstairs and find a pair of socks that he had bought his mum, which when her feet were sticking out while sitting on the couch read ‘I’d rather be watching Marvel Movies’, which was their special thing to do and for two years had provided hours of happy distraction from the effects of the chemotherapy. No one else outside the family knew of this and to be honest even I had forgotten about them.
A couple of weeks later the dreaded funeral was looming and I decided a new suit was in order and for someone who has never bought clothes without getting an opinion from who I laughingly called ‘she who must be obeyed’, it seemed like a challenge. The only thing I had been told is that it doesn’t have to be black. So off I set with son and partner in tow for support and as we approached the first shop there was a guy trying on a suit in Julie’s favourite colour, sea foam and I said lets go in and check out what else they have. All the suits looked ok but when we went closer only the sea foam ones had a metal bee in the lapel, which was interesting as coming from Manchester in the UK, the bee symbol has always been important and discussed many times. I took down the first suit, tried it on, it fitted perfectly, I bought it and walked out. I’m not claiming this as a sign but sure made us feel better so happy to take it. My son has since got a bee tattoo on his arm to remember his mum forever. One thing I will say on the day of the funeral I awoke nervous and shaking, but when I put on that suit it all went away and I felt like Julie and I were living in the same body through the whole service and somehow the day was ok. Well, until I took the suit off that is.
I hear a lot about finding white feathers as signs and we get them inside the house on clothes we get out of the wardrobe and where they really shouldn’t be. Another was stuck to my windscreen the other morning.
For the last ten years we have had a pair of Magpies that come to nest in our back yard trees and have their baby and a couple of times when the young ones have fallen out of the nest and aren’t quite ready to fly, I have saved them from cats and made sure they had water and food until they could fly to the fence and then the trees, only once did we lose one and the parents were distraught, but they keep coming back. Since Julie passed they have taken to standing guard at the letterbox and when we go near they say hi, it’s almost like they are looking after us now.
We all feel Julie’s presence in the house which has been our family home for forty years and we built together before we had children. I’m not particularly surprised as I’m always tripping up over our pet dog Jessie who passed away after eighteen years of friendship and every time, I hear myself saying ‘bloody dogs always under my feet’ and then Julie saying, ‘you need to look where you’re going’, it brings a smile to my face every time, Jessie didn’t want to leave either.
What I intend to do is look deeper into this subject whilst trying to keep an open mind and not go looking for things that aren’t there, if I find anything I’ll let you know.